Pro Kontra Pakaian Bekas

Pro kontra pakaian bekas sudah menjadi topik yang berulang kali dibahas. Pemerintah melarang peredaran pakaian bekas dengan alasan merusak pasar dalam negeri. Sementara, masyarakat penyuka pakaian bekas beralasan bahwa kualitas pakaian bekas jauh di atas kualitas pakaian baru “made in Indonesia”. Harga pakaian bekas pun worth to buy.

Jujur, dulu saya penyuka barang bekas, baik itu pakaian, tas, atau sepatu. Bahkan, jika saya sedang berada di kota tertentu, saya selalu menyempatkan diri menelusuri pasar pakaian bekas di kota itu. Seperti pasar pakaian bekas di Pasar Atas Bukittinggi, monja di Medan, toko-toko pakaian bekas di Yogyakarta, lapak-lapak pakaian bekas di Pasar Senen, Jakarta, bahkan waktu ke Kuala Lumpur pun saya sempat window shopping di lapak pakaian bekas di sana (saya lupa nama areanya). Kalau di Pekanbaru, nggak perlu ditanyakan lagi. Gue sampai hafal sudut-sudut Pasar Kodim. Hehehe…

Teman-teman di kampus pun mengetahui kalau saya suka beli baju PJ (istilah baju bekas di Pasar Kodim). Malu? Nggak, saya ngga malu. Bahkan mereka ikut terpengaruh beli baju PJ juga haha… I hope it doesn’t have a bad influence on you guys 😀


Bukittinggi on Vacation (Bung Hatta’s Home Births) #2

This post is the 2nd post with the same tittle. Read it here!

The last place I visited is Rumah Kelahiran Bung Hatta. That place is easy to find, located not far from Jam Gadang, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta 37, Kecamatan Guguh Panjang, Bukittinggi. FREE admission! 😀

Let’s see other awesome pics!

Mamak Idris’s room. Bung Hatta’s uncle.

The dinning room

Sumur lama. Unfortunately you can’t see how the situation in it

Gig place

Picture of Bung Hatta and his gig

Yay! The Old bike. Can you guess how old is it?

and this is the main room as the main visit

Kamar Lahir Bung Hatta (2nd floor). In this place on August 12, 1902, he was born by Aminah, Bung Hatta’s Mother. The room was a silent witness to the birth of The Proclaimers

and this is me 😀

I take this picture by my self. Use timer. 😀

So, this is the end of my trip in Bukittinggi all of day! So many things that I’ve got. The experiences, knowledges, and new friends. This trip is really absolutely extremely amazing!

Thank for visiting! You’re Awesome 😉

Bukittinggi on Vacation (Bung Hatta’s Home Births)

The last place that I visited, Rumah Kelahiran Bung Hatta. That place is easy to find, located not far from Jam Gadang, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta 37, Kecamatan Guguh Panjang, Bukittinggi. FREE admission! 😀

Photo collections at Rumah Kelahiran Bung Hatta

Bung Hatta, The Proclaimers!

Let’s see another!

Kamar bujang. Located at the front left of that house

Guess room. Unfortunately you can’t occupy it.

The old sewing machine

The kitchen

Cooking appliances

>> continue to the next post

Bukittingi on Vacation (Traditional Markets)

Pasar Atas

There’s kinda aksessories that made from wood. It’s so exotic and naturaly

Leather sandals. You just pay Rp20.000-25.000 😀

And anything about hand made is available here!

Pasar Aur, Central of  Wholesaler

The Chips. Buy and give them to your family as gift

Kind of clothings. Pick anything that you want

Let’s visit this place! Shopping and Enjoy!

Bukittinggi on Vacation (Look in to the Butik)

My trip to Bukittinggi, West Sumatera, August 28, 2012. The first destination is Butik, a place that sell 2snd goods.

>> So much shirts, blouses, pants, and other clothings that you want

>> Kind of bags for man or women. Beautiful bags 🙂

>> SALE! SALE! SALE! Only pay Rp10.000,- for three shirts! 😀

>> Kind of shoes: boots, pump shoes, flat shoes, sport shoes, and many more!

>> Shoes for man and there also leather jacket B-)

So, you wanna go?

Well, you can go to The Butik via Jenjang Empat Puluh. Go along the stair-case and then turn to left. You’ll see that PLACE, The Butik. Or, if you come from Jam Gadang, you can also go along Pasar Atas. Just ask a question to the seller in that place, “where the Butik is”. I’m sure they can help you to find “your destination”.
